Big Tech’s Cigarettes

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Reflecting the common perspective of the uninformed user of Big Tech’s many attractive tools and toys, as well as the warnings from the better informed. While originally instrumental, applied lyrics made it necessary to re-shape this song, thus turning it into something much more impactful over all. Though not directly articulated in the song itself, the official music video portrays Big Tech’s similarities to Big Tobacco. Likewise, it correlates Big Tech’s tools (especially Google’s search engine) with cigarettes (hence the name).

Cigarettes have been highly profitable to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. The nicotine keeps you addicted, while other ingredients turns you into a frequent patient visit. This is probably why they used to be advertised by doctors.

Big Tech’s many “free” cloud services have been highly instrumental in mining all the personal data on a populous a power-hungry entity (such as the communist ruler of another country or an investor flexing his wealth to shape government in his own favor) could ever want. With today’s AI and super-computer technology, it is easy to use our data to control us through these interconnected services, by re-shaping our opinions and ushering us into a certain outcome.

Cigarettes rob us of our health while Big Tech’s “free” cloud services take away our privacy and control. Both of them make generous profits. A great quote which goes along with this is:

“If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.”

—(various public figures in different words)

Music Video

Also available on:
Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, Vimeo, YouTube
Thanks to these contributors from Pexels:
Amar Preciado, Kampus Production, Kelly, KoolShooters, Luis Quintero, Pavel Danilyuk, RODNAE Productions, Tima Miroshnichenko, Yan Krukov

Public Hearing About Google Manipulation


I have an obscure inquiry
It’s very personal
It’s been making me weary
But I’m supposed be a professional

I need to find an answer soon
To keep up with this rat race
If I don’t know what I need to do
No doubt they’ll see it on my face

This is the age of information
It sets the stage for your discretion
Now every page and iteration
Changes the way you pay attention

I’ll find my answer online
They’re selling your personal information
I’m fine, I have nothing to hide
They’re tracking you and your personal relations

Click. Clock. Click. Clock.
They know how to influence your decisions
I’m fine, I have nothing to hide
They know how to influence your opinions

“Almost 90% of internet searches in the United States use Google.

“We have reason to believe that Google is knowingly, deliberately, strategically manipulating people’s thinking and behavior from the very first character people type into the search box.”

—Dr. Robert Epstein

I’m very concerned about the conflict
I think I need to know more
I should know who’s side to take
In case we are to enter another war

Recommendations tend tighten laws
Is that our safest bet
What we have now are legislative flaws
I guess that’s just what we get

This is the age of information
It sets the stage for your discretion
Now every page and iteration
Changes the way you pay attention


I’ll find my answer online
They’ll hide all the most telling information
I’m fine, I have nothing to hide
They’ll sell you off to the next corporation

Click. Clock. Click. Clock.
You’ll find only answers that serve as distraction
I’m fine, I have nothing to hide
They’ll demoralize you fraction by fraction

I’ll find my answer online
You’ll find only answers that serve as distraction
I’m fine, I have nothing to hide
They’ll demoralize you fraction by fraction

Click. Clock. Click. Clock

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